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1. How do i know if the Decragard roof repainting system is right for me?

If you have an existing concrete tile, metal tile, corrugated roofing, colour-coated steel or Decramastic tile roof which looks tired or is deteriorating, call us for a free inspection, appraisal and quote. 


2. How much will a quote for a Decragard roof repainting system cost?

We will provide you with an obligation free quote for roof repainting. 


3. How much will it cost to have the Decragard roof coating system applied?

Prices vary according to the type of roof you have, the condition of your roof and the work required; but it is usually about 1/3rd of the cost of installing a new roof.  


4. How long does the Decragard roof coating process take?

The entire roof coating process usually takes between three to five working days with minimal interruption to your lifestyle.  


5. Can I choose any colour?

There is a selection of 18 classic roofing colours available, you can add value to your home by matching the existing colour of your roof to restore the appearance of the roof coating to look like new or change hte colour of your roof coating completely. 


6. How long is the Decragard Roof Recoating Warranty valid for?

Providing the roof is properly maintained, Decragard has a 10 year pro rata warranty.  This means your roof coating has a full warranty for the first 5 years and a diminishing pro-rata warranty for the remaining 5 years.